Esse ano ,vivemos sobre um concreta realidade de incertezas sobre a vericidade do sistema regente ,sentimos o peso finalmente das correntes que nos aprisionam,e hoje as duvidas habitam nossos corações, eles mataram nossa alma :
__Tiraram nossos sonhos impossíveis .....
__Distorceram o sentido de Deus
__Nos condenaram por nossa fé
__Nos condenaram por nossa fé
__Condenaram a humanidade a morte
O tempo passou dia a pós dia, tão rapidamente que a dor se prolongo em nossos corações , já não sentimos a doce brisa do vento , não sabemos o que é amor verdadeiro, pagamos nossas doença do consumo com nossa liberdade,os minutos se tornaram segundos e os dias minutos , e quando olhamos para traz vimos que apenas sobraram lembranças de uma solidão, de uma falsa alegria comprada por presentes descartáveis.No ultimo dia prometeremos a nos mesmo realizarmos tudo aquilo que deixamos pra traz no ano que fica, não nego que não realizaremos alguns objetivos ,mais sei que quando chegar ao final demais um ano, novos sonhos surgiram e os antigos se apagaram ,Pois não temos liberdade e verdade para sermos capazes de sustentarmos nossa existência.Tudo mudou mais dentro de nos sentimos que as coisas continuam sendo o que sempre foram, talvez a embalagem mudou a cor ou o formato mais o produto final e o mesmo, a humanidade neste ano caminho mais um passo para sua inexistência,as luzes vão se apagar as portas serão fechadas para esse ano, enquanto os fogos abriram um novo ano de expectativas e de sonhos.Nossos olhos se encheram de lagrimas de esperança de abraços de felicidade e buscaremos paz em nos mesmo para o mundo....
(A lista humana )A humanidade quer :
,,.,Caridade e verdade
....Liberdade e realidade
....Fé e unção
....Razão e paz
....Sonhos e oportunidades
....Impossibilidade e gloria
A humanidade quer amor..........
(Inglês) New Year
Tread another year on the deeps, looks on unnoticed, emphasizing fear and loneliness seeking the truths that hide our lies, life went out of the story, and what remained were memories eternal, a life of 365 days, divided into 12 months with a time of 525,600 minutes, and 31536000 / 2. As time passed, people were born, dreams were raised, tears and smiles appeared on time, new times arose from the ruins of dictatorships and dictators condemned to death, the man felt poorer this year as the crisis in its economy is evident ... The end of the world is near, because the great powers are increasingly weak, the richest continent is getting poorer day by day, with debts trilhonarias, the man sees that his era of consumption, this mortal life costing, thedisease of capitalism is undermining the spirit of humanity and thus evolving to a state of escrevidão, a new bipolar world where military power will be divided by the atomic and economic power consumption .. Military power (Moved by stimulation of the capital) X POWER OF COMMERCE (Driven by profit consumption), the capitalist world is divided between fear and consumption, developments where consumption had of necessity and convenience to absolute slavery .....
This year, we live on a concrete reality of uncertainty about Verica system regent, finally felt the weight of the chains that imprison us, and now live in our hearts the doubts, they killed our soul:__Tiraram Our wildest dreams .....__Distorceram The sense of God__Nos Condemned by our faith__Condenaram Humanity death
The time spent day after day, so quickly that the pain lingers in our hearts no longer feel the sweet breeze of the wind, do not know what is true love, sickness pay our consumption with our freedom, the minutes became second days and minutes, and when we looked back we saw that just about memories of a loneliness, a false joy bought by present day last descartáveis.No promised ourselves we realize all that to bring in the year that is, do not deny that failed to realize some goals, the more I know that when you reach the other end of one year, new dreams arose and went out early, because we have freedom and truth to be able to sustain our existência.Tudo changed more within we feel that things continue being what they always were, perhaps the packaging has changed color or shape over the final product and the same, this year the way mankind another step towards their absence, the lights will go out the doors will be closed for that year, as fires opened a new year and expectations sonhos.Nossos eyes filled with tears of hope and happiness hugs seek peace even in the world ....
(The list human) Humanity wants to:,., Charity and TruthFreedom and reality ....Faith and anointing ....Reason and peace ....Dreams and opportunities ....Impossibility and glory ....
Humanity wants to love ..........
This year, we live on a concrete reality of uncertainty about Verica system regent, finally felt the weight of the chains that imprison us, and now live in our hearts the doubts, they killed our soul:__Tiraram Our wildest dreams .....__Distorceram The sense of God__Nos Condemned by our faith__Condenaram Humanity death
The time spent day after day, so quickly that the pain lingers in our hearts no longer feel the sweet breeze of the wind, do not know what is true love, sickness pay our consumption with our freedom, the minutes became second days and minutes, and when we looked back we saw that just about memories of a loneliness, a false joy bought by present day last descartáveis.No promised ourselves we realize all that to bring in the year that is, do not deny that failed to realize some goals, the more I know that when you reach the other end of one year, new dreams arose and went out early, because we have freedom and truth to be able to sustain our existência.Tudo changed more within we feel that things continue being what they always were, perhaps the packaging has changed color or shape over the final product and the same, this year the way mankind another step towards their absence, the lights will go out the doors will be closed for that year, as fires opened a new year and expectations sonhos.Nossos eyes filled with tears of hope and happiness hugs seek peace even in the world ....
(The list human) Humanity wants to:,., Charity and TruthFreedom and reality ....Faith and anointing ....Reason and peace ....Dreams and opportunities ....Impossibility and glory ....
Humanity wants to love ..........
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